Atlanta Award-Qualifying Film Festival
The Atlanta Award-Qualifying Film Festival furthers the art of filmmaking by inspiring and encouraging the work of directors, filmmakers and all artists who use the language of film to tell a story.
The Atlanta Award-Qualifying Film Festival furthers the art of filmmaking by inspiring and encouraging the work of directors, filmmakers and all artists who use the language of film to tell a story. The Atlanta Independent Film Festival (AIFF) focuses on the writer's’ creative contribution to film and encourages the collaboration of artists. This year's festival will be held at Pinch 'n' Ouch Theatre in Atlanta, Ga. The festival will accept feature films, shorts, and web series.
Through the festival, talented independent filmmakers now have a voice in a market typically saturated with commercial entertainment designed to satisfy the audience's expectations.
I ELECT Power Every Four Years
Trending Complete Earl Edit V4 8 14 21
Boy Scientist
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Keeping Kasen
UnWelcomed Justice
What It Takes
Tossed Out
What The Heck Is Going On
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This Case & My Life
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